Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Crazy New Hobbie... Coupon Clipping !

So one day I was watching Oprah and they had this whole episode on this crazy lady who is an expert coupon clipper. She saves so much money and ends up getting soo much for free. So I thought... who does'nt want to save money? Well I had no idea it was soooo involved. I found this website called and she posts all the latest deals and coupons but also tells you exactly how to become a "Krazy Coupon Lady". I looked at her blog a little and decided to cut out some coupons to use at my next grocery shopping trip. Well, I ended up saving $12.00. Which did'nt feel like very much at the time compared to what this lady saves. Also, it was confusing and frustrating. I realized that if I'm really going to do this, I had better study up, get organized and do it the right way! So... that's what I did. It is still a project in process and I'm still learning, but here are some photos of what I started. In her book, she teaches you how to make a coupon binder so that when you go to the store, it is easy! Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Lucita said...

Wow, that's dedication. I do wish you luck. Wish I had the time & dedication to try that as well. You'll have to give me some details when I see you next so hopefully I'm inspired to start.

$12 is a lot. That's a matinee movie for you & Sam or an inexpensive meal out :)